Recovery For The Abused Woman
       "Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth" 
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Abused Woman Recovery Program (AWRP)

“Empowering the abused woman to recover”



What It Is: A program designed to provide educational support, through training, to abused and battered women of domestic violence.     

Mission: To teach abused women how to recover from the bondage of domestic violence.

Purpose/Goal: To help abused women realize they can recover from the bondage of domestic violence and show them how to recover.

Program Theme: The theme of the program is “Recovering From Abuse.” Each book or teaching/lecture we discuss will be centered on recovering from the bondage of domestic violence. However, the main tool that will be used in the AWRP is an educational skills training program called, “Tools for Triumphant Living” (will be explained later).

Program Vision: To empower abused women of all nationality through education and training so they will be set free from the bondage of domestic violence.

Program Topics: The AWRP topics will be all the components of the “Tools for Triumphant Living” Program (will be given later) plus additional lectures (as described below). After completion of the components of the “Tools for Triumphant Living” Program, the client will receive a Certificate of Completion. However, there will not be a Certificate of Completion given for the Lecture classes because they are a part of the “Abused Woman Recovery Group” sessions. They can be taken as individual classes but the client will not receive a certificate for completing them.    

Additional Lectures:

In depth study of Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks' book, "Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman." In the book, Dr. Hooks talks about the consequences of marrying outside the will of God and shares her testimony of how God brought her through her process of deliverance, from the bondage of domestic violence after 37 years. Therefore, Dr. Hooks knows what it feels like to be abused, hopeless, helpless, and homeless.

To help abused women realize they are not alone, Dr. Hooks addresses the issue of loneliness in her lecture entitled, "You Are Not Alone: A Study About Loneliness." Dr. Hooks has battled with loneliness herself, after leaving her abuser and every woman she has spoken with, had the same problem. Now, she recognizes it is a tool that can be used to cause women to go back to their abuser. 

Other lecture topics will be created as the need arises.




What It Is: It is a weekly Christian based educational skills training program. The program is designed to: 1) equip the client  with independent living and workplace readiness skills; 2) teach the client  better parental skills to become productive citizens through practical application of biblical life skills; and 3) provide the client opportunities for discovery of God given gifts and talents through classes on spiritual growth.

How the Complete Program Work: Every eight or twelve weeks (sometimes longer depending on the schedule), a different topic (listed below) will be taught. The program is designed so the topics can be combined into one (or many) course(s); customized according to the client’s need. In a group session, the maximum number of individuals will be twelve (12). Upon completion of the program, the client will receive a Certificate of Completion. However, there will not be a Certificate of Completion given for the Lecture classes because they are a part of the “Abused Woman Recovery Group” sessions. They can be taken as individual classes but the client will not receive a certificate for completing them.

Program Topics:

  •  Getting Beyond the After Effects of Violence & Abuse (Three Sessions @ 1 ½ hours  each).
  •  Anger Management (Five Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •  Overcoming Addictions (Six Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •  Relationships (Four Sessions – two sections per class @ 2 hours each).
  •  Family & Marriage (Two Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •  Independent Living: Job Hunting & Money Management (Three Sessions @ 2 hours each).
  •  Independent Living: Transportation & Housing (Three Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •  Independent Living: Home Management & Shopping Smart (Three Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •  Independent Living: Health, Fitness, & Leisure Time (Three Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •  Spiritual Growth (Six Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each - by choice).

Basic Course – 12 Hours


Basic Course Program Topics:

  •     Getting Beyond the After Effects of Violence & Abuse (Three Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).
  •     Anger Management (Five Sessions @ 1 ½ hours each).

 Description of Basic Course Program Topics:

 Violence & Abuse (Session One) – Goal: to define violence & abuse. To accomplish this goal, we will:

  • List Types of Abuse
  • Define each type
  • Discuss the Cause & Effect of Abuse
  • Discuss the Power Wheel & Show Examples of Abuse
  • Explain God’s final word on generational sin

Violence & Abuse (Session Two) – Goal: to recognize Abuse & its Cycle. To accomplish this goal, we will:

  •  List the ways to recognize Abuse
  •  Learn & Understand the Cycles of Abuse
  •  Explore how to Stop the Cycle of Abuse
  •  Establish a Personal Bill of Right

Violence & Abuse (Session Three) – Goal: to recognize Abuse & its Cycle. To accomplish this goal, we will:

  • Understand Why Abusers Abuse
  • Understand Why The Victim Stays
  •  Develop Strategies for Breaking the Cycle of Abuse

Anger Management (Session One) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:

  •   Give an introduction about Anger
  •   Complete the “Anger Ruler”
  •   Repeat a Prayer and Declaration to Overcome Anger

Anger Management (Session Two) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:

  •    Summarize what we learned from Session One
  •   Define the Four Classes of Anger – Anger, Resentment, Rage & Fury, Wrath
  •   Explain What Makes Us Angry
  •   Learn Proper & Improper Ways to Respond to Anger
  •   Complete a Quiz on Anger
  •   Learn how to Seek God’s help with Anger issues

Anger Management (Session Three) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:

  •  Summarize what we learned from Session Two
  •  Define the Four Classes of Anger – Anger, Resentment, Rage & Fury, Wrath
  •  Explain What Makes Us Angry
  •  Learn Proper & Improper Ways to Respond to Anger

Anger Management (Session Four) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:

  •    Summarize what we learned from Session Three
  •    Define the types of Anger expression: Suppression, Repression, & Uncontrolled Expression
  •    Learn Relaxation techniques for controlling Anger

Anger Management (Session Five) – Goal: to explain the God given emotion, anger. To accomplish this goal in this session, we will:

  •  Summarize what we learned from Session Four
  •  Discuss Anger Interruption Techniques and Strategies (AITs)
  •  Learn Relaxation techniques for controlling Anger
  •  Finish this session with an Anger Management Final Evaluation which must be passed before   receiving Certificate of Completion