Recovery For The Abused Woman
       "Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth" 
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Forgiveness Recovery
Session 1 5/28/13
Session 2 6/4/13
Session 3 6/11/13
Session 4 6/18/13
Session 5 6/25/13
Session 6 7/9/13
Session 7 7/16/13
Session 8 7/23/13
Have the Faith of God

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“Abused Woman Ministries’ (AWM) Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program”



The “AWM Importance of Forgiveness Counseling Recovery Program” is a 7 week Program designed to help people get rid of toxic emotions (of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness, etc.) that has been caused by the trauma (abuse, sexual assault, etc.) they have suffered throughout their lives so they can recover; the recovery process begins when they decide to forgive – forgiveness is a choice, not a feeling!! Therefore, the person cannot receive complete recovery until these unresolved issues (toxic emotions of anger, hatred, jealousy, rejection, fear, pride, bitterness, etc.) are gone from their lives. Those toxic emotions can cause all sorts of diseases in your souls and physical bodies. That is why forgiveness is so important; unforgiveness plays a big role in how we live our lives and how we react to things in our lives. As we get into the details of the program later, you will see how unforgiveness can create havoc in our lives and cause us to have unhappy relationships with family, friends, spouses, etc.

Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. is dedicated to helping women, their children and men who have been abused! We do this by providing them with the tools they need to recover from the bondage of domestic violence and abuse. However, we  know that domestic violence/abuse is not  the only traumatic event that can keep a person from having a healthy relationship! Therefore, we will also focus on recovering from the following traumatic experiences in the "Journey of Freedom: Pursuing Freedom From The Bondage of Traumatic Experiences:" sexual assault, rejection, abandonment, neglect, loneliness and whatever other traumatic experience God gives me to include.

I am dedicated to walking with you (I cannot do it for you – I am an instrument that God is using to help you recover – as He gives me your tools of recovery, I give them to you then you must decide to take this journey) so are you dedicated to take the journey?

The goal of AWM Importance of Forgiveness Counseling Recovery Program is:

1.  To help you obtain wholeness from all emotional, psychological, and any other effects, that domestic violence and abuse, or other issues of the past, have caused you so you will be able to live, the abundant life Jesus died so you could live.

2.  To get things that are worrying you out of your mind, so your mind will be free to take in, and think about new things. As long as the old things are hindering you, you will never be able to embrace the new – the old will always be present – however, drown out the old and embrace the new God has for you.

3.  Once the healing has taken place, you will be able to set effective goals, and carry them out so you can live trauma, and drama free.

After the initial parts of the “AWM Importance of Forgiveness Counseling Recovery Program” are complete, which includes all parts of the "AWM Counseling Recovery Program" (AWM Importance of Forgiveness Recovery Program, AWM Violence & Abuse Recovery Program, and AWM Anger Recovery Program), you will learn how to receive your emotional healing, with the next part of the called "Emotional Healing" and after that, the final part will be the "Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman" book discussion group (includes Study Guide), and also focuses on “Rejection” and “Loneliness.” This might seem to be a lot, but we will take the "Journey of Freedom Recovery Program” in small steps and it will be some months before you finish, but you receive a certificate when you finish and most of all, you will recover! Therefore, let's get started with the first teaching in the “AWM Importance of Forgiveness Counseling Recovery Program!” The first part might seem long, but it is mostly information; study the highlighted pages – those are the actual teachings. The next part will only have the parts for that week and the Agenda but keep the instructions, so you can refer to them if needed.

Welcome to YOUR "Journey of Freedom!!" Let the Recovery begin!!! We are praying for YOU!! May God give you the strength you need for your journey! If you have any questions, as I stated earlier, contact me via email: Remember, these programs are designed for independent study or one-on-one study. Therefore, disregard any part of the program that might direct you to return any homework to me, or that might indicate that I will be sending you weekly lessons. 

Click here for complete "Forgiveness Recovery" Program


God bless as you take this journey of recovery!

Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks

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