Recovery For The Abused Woman
       "Empowering the abused woman to recover with God's truth" 
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Abused Woman Recovery Group 



The Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. Abused Woman Recovery Group is a subsidiary of Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. and is an informal bi-monthly group or one-on-one meeting designed to provide extra educational support to abused and battered women. The purpose of the Abused Woman Recovery Group is to help women realize they can recover from the bondage of domestic violence and abuse; also show them how to recover. The Abused Woman Recovery Group’s theme is “Recovering from Abuse” so each book or teaching we discuss will be centered on all forms of abuse and domestic violence.  

Abused Woman Ministries, Inc. was founded by Dr. Dorothy E. Hooks to provide support through an educational series called “Abused Woman Recovery” to help abused and battered women of domestic violence. Dr. Hooks’ vision is to help abused women recover from the bondage of domestic violence. She will do this through the use of the Biblical Foundations of Freedom (BFOF) Program and the “Abused Woman Recovery Program” (AWRP) which includes her “Abused Woman Recovery” series books and other recovery materials. Dr. Hooks has written four books in the Recovery series already with more to come. The first book, “Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman,” was published in July 2007. This book can be purchased online at,,  or www.lulu.comThe next three books in the series, “You Shall Recover It All: After the Abuse,” “The Mind A Battleground,” and “The Love of the Father,” can also be purchased from or

In the book, “Unholy Matrimony: Healing For The Abused Woman,” Dr. Hooks talk about the consequences of marrying out of God’s will. She states, “We form ungodly soul ties and get involved with ungodly people when we don’t acknowledge God in all our ways. This can and most likely will cause us to become victims of domestic violence.”

The book is dedicated to all the women who have been abused in their relationships and to those who have not been abused. To those who have not been abused, this is a preventive manual, to help you not be abused. To those who have been abused and are not free from soul ties, this book can give you hope. Through Dr. Hooks’ experiences, you will see how God brought her out of bondage, healed her, restored her, and today, she is allowing Him to have total control of her life.